MEDECON is an independent health economic training & consulting agency. The mission of MEDECON is to enable healthcare managers and public health scientists a discrete in-house evaluation of • healthcare market access pathways • reimbursement conditions • clinical evidence • health-economic product profiling.
MEDECON is offering client-specific interactive in-house seminars on health-economic topics.
Below, you will find some illustrative modules with potential relevance for you and your team. These items will help us to compose an individual education program in close agreement with you.
Health Economics and Literature Search
Health Economics
Literature Search
Clinical Study Databases
basic and/or advanced
Outcomes Research and HTA
Heath Technology Assessment
Identification of Dossiers
Identification of Publications
content and use
a search tool
the databases
Market Access and Reimbursement
Health Care Market, Germany
Health Care Market, Switzerland
Health Care Market, Austria
Databases on Epidemiology
Reimbursement Systems
Reimbursement, Germany
Reimbursement, Switzerland
Reimbursement, Austria
Reimbursement of Treatments
Reimbursement of Indications
Unit Costs, Germany
structure and access to empirical data
structure and access to empirical data
structure and access to empirical data
overview Europe and US
coverage, coding and tariffs
coverage, coding and tariffs
coverage, coding and tariffs
structure and access to data sources
MEDECON is offering product-specific reimbursement evaluations and value dossiers.
Our primary focus is Germany, Switzerland and Austria; other European markets can be added. In case of special requests, we can help you in finding a local agency.
Below, you will find some illustrative modules with potential relevance for you and your team. These items help us to compose an individual evaluation program in close agreement with you.
Reimbursement Evaluation
Coverage, coding, payment
Market research
hospital, day surgery, out-patient
disease, procedures, competitors
Medical Writing
Value dossier
survey, report, EbM-dossier
articles, posters, presentations, leaflets
Market Access Strategies
Market access plan
Application and negotiation plan
Distribution plan
out-patient versus in-patient
value dossiers, OPS, NUB, DRG, models
distributors, hospitals, direct marketing
Advantages of MEDECON Training Program
The in-house training programs prepare healthcare managers for communicating with health insurances, distributors and end-users.
With MEDECON in-house seminars you have various advantages;
Flexible arrangement of modules, agenda and/or curricula
Face-to-face interaction between training-course participants
There are low travel costs for in-house participants
Seminars can be scheduled as add-ons to business-unit-meetings
Product-sensitive and/or disease-specific teaching material will be provided
Levels of detail are fixed by the client in advance
Supplementary online training sessions on demand are possible
Experienced trainer will lead the seminar; see profile of trainer
Advantages of MEDECON Consulting
Detailed knowledge on health-economic arguments and reimbursement conditions improves the market access of your medical technologies.
With MECECON reimbursement reports and health-economic dossiers you have various advantages;
Database-driven, actual and real-life evaluation of healthcare market epidemiology
Precise and comprehensible presentation
Methodology of Evidence-based Medicine (EbM) is used
Communication in English and German possible
Rapid preparation
Sustainable network with healthcare decision bodies available
Experienced health economist and reimbursement specialist, see profile of expert
Dr. Hubertus Rosery, MPH, BA (Hons) - CEO
+49 151 40132597
Am Flosskanal 35, D-79650 Schopfheim, Germany
MEDECON is located in Greater Basel (CH/FRG/F)
IBAN DE66683515570003348471, BIC SOLADES1SFH
HRB 716165 Amtsgericht Freiburg im Breisgau
Chamber of Commerce, IHK Hochrhein
Value-added tax (VAT) identification number (USt-IdNr.): DE311481748